Dr. Chupp grew up in northeastern Ohio where he enjoyed collecting butterflies and other insects from an early age. A piovotal moment in his education occurred when his undergraduate advisor (Dr. Gerald Svendsen) encouraged him to attend an ecological field studies program in northwest Montana at the Flathead Lake Biological Station. This experience connected him with his M.S. thesis advisor (Dr. John Pagels) who greatly facilitated his development as a field ecologist. While studying the population dynamics of mammals, Dr. Chupp discovered his passion for plants which steered him towards a PhD in Plant Biology. However, his dissertation ultimately focused on the interactions between plants and animals. How these interactions regulate biodiversity (particularly in urban environments) is now an underlying theme of his teaching and research. Dr. Chupp lives in southeast Connecticut and enjoys connecting with nature, playing guitar, sporting events, live music and sharing those experiences with his family and friends.